It's hard to imagine any other group of people, besides the locals, that knows the landscapes of Barcelona better than BMX riders. 
PictureThe Forum on the cover of a magazine.
I watch a new video from Barcelona nearly every day. There have been literally hundreds of BMX videos out of Barcelona. Every major DVD has clips from Barcelona in it. I could go on, but the audience of this blog wouldn't understand the BMX lingo and subculture. For example, I first saw the MACBA Big Four stair set about 7 years ago in a video with some pro killing it. 

The total views on Vimeo alone for the seven videos below is 842,500 and rising.  One alone got 316K views. That one video is 3 minutes, 43 seconds long. After doing the math, that one video has been watched for the equivalent of 19,574 hours. If watched on a single computer, it would take well over 2 years to continuously watch that one short video for the same amount of time!
Barcelona is not only a hotspot, but it is the world's most popular city for BMX, hands down. These videos vary in age, from 3 years to only a few months old. These videos are also so popular because they have the most popular and talented "professional" riders in them, are usually funded by major brands, and are filmed/edited by professionals. These are also the reasons why you should give at least a couple of these a watch, whether you are a BMX rider or not. They are only a couple minutes long each, ordered from newest to oldest.


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